Saturday, January 16, 2010
Jonah's First Birthday Party!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Happy Fall!
Pumpkin Patch
Monday, September 28, 2009

The guys usually shoot skeet before we eat. I guess they have a lot of fun doing that. They also throw a football around until we beg them to come in and eat before the food gets too cold.

Here's some more pics from the par-tay!Becky, Sadie, and Katy- two of Farmington school's finest teachers
Brittney and her two kiddos. Let me say I am impressed that she can carry them both. I better start building my arm muscles for the days when I (hopefully) have more than one baby
This is Jonah on the right with his buddy, Aaron. Aaron is 6 weeks older than Jonah. They are becoming quick buddies.

An action shot of me and a spoon!
I would have loaded many more pictures of you guys (thanks Jamie and Nick for the pictures...I obviously stole them from your Facebook page!) but it takes forever to load them and move them where I want 'em. I lost patience!!
I am headed down to Little Rock tomorrow for the Dave Matthews Band concert. I will probably be driving down and back in one day. I just can't stand to be away from my fam too long these days (I haven't left Jonah overnight yet...I know I'm working on it.) I better head to bed or I will be doing this tomorrow:
Monday, September 21, 2009
Then Sunday morning our church hosted a speaker from the State Baptist Convention who spoke on stewardship. We learned a lot about our finances. I am really excited to put to practice what we learned.
I am still working on Jonah's costume. I have the bodice done, I just need to finish the paws, the tail and the hood. Those parts have all the cute details like the white fur that makes it really look like a skunk!
What you talkin' 'bout Willis?
For all of you out there who tune into my blog to see what Jonah is up to, here are two videos for your viewing enjoyment. I LOOOOVE to hear him laugh. And no one can make him laugh like his daddy.
I sure wish I knew how to edit out my voice!!
This pretty well gets me caught up! I hope this will get Jonah's Mimi, Aunt Laura, Sissy, Aunt Nat, Aunt Kris, Katy, and Keely through until our next installment! We miss you!
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Midweek blurb
It is hilarity. The blog title says "When Professional Cakes Go Horribly, Hilariously Wrong". Is it sad to say that I spent some (ahem!) time Friday night looking at all the pictures and laughing out loud by myself? I just love the ways that these people screw up cakes and still try to sell them. Sunday's blog post is reserved for good professional cakes. That's fun to see too, but the bad ones make me laugh. Out loud. By myself. I think it's the commentary that makes it so funny to me. If you don't think its as funny as I do...well, my hubby tells me I have a 'different' sense of humor.
Here's my next sewing project!

Jonah is going to be the skunk in the bottom left corner. I have all the pieces cut out. Now to start piecing them together. I wonder how long Jonah will let his momma make stuff for him.
I will post pictures as I progress on his costume. Hope yall are having a good week!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Who does he favor? Part I

Thursday, August 20, 2009
He's creeping...