We have completed a week of teaching Jonah to sleep in his bed. He has done very well. He is still getting used to a schedule, but I think in another week or so he'll have it down. The only thing we struggle with is that he is still waking up every two to three hours. He goes back down pretty easily, but it's like his body is just used to waking up that often. He is in a habit of eating at night. A book I read suggests just slowly cutting short the nursing sessions by 2 minutes every night and I guess letting him cry for the rest of the times he wakes up. What would/did you do?I don't know if he will ever sleep through the night!
Please stop by my mother in law's blog. She is in Little Rock undergoing treatment at UAMS for Multiple Myeloma. She is going through some pretty intense therapy that includes chemo, stem cell growth shots, fluids ran through her kidneys daily through a port in her chest, and several other drug therapies that go along with it. Many days she is very tired and run down as they spend long hours at the hospital. UAMS is the premier location for treatment of Multiple Myeloma in the United States and maybe even the world. She is doing well, but I know this is taxing on her emotionally and physically. She is blogging about her journey. She will be in Little Rock for perhaps several months. So stop by her blog, say hi, and catch up on the details. The family has taken shifts to be with her there. Jeremy, Jonah, and I were able to go down over 4th of July. Jeremy is headed down tomorrow for a day or two until his dad can make it down for the end of the week/weekend. I know she misses Jonah, but right now, her immunity is down and she can't be around too many people, so we will wait until she can be around more people. I just wanted to address it because many of you know what she's going through, but may not have known she has a blog and you can follow her journey. She's a strong woman and she will come through this with God's help and unconditional love. We love her to pieces!
Thanks for the updates! We love your MIL and are praying for a full recovery. Let us know if we can help. Does she have a mailing address in LR?
I had no idea! Thanks for the update and the blog link!
I tried cutting down the feeding time and it didn't work for me at all. He just woke up quicker the next time. My pediatrician told me to just let him cry himself back to sleep. Not even go in there. He said it would take a few nights, but Aaron would learn to get enough calories during the day and to sleep at night. I tried it last night for the first time. He actually cried himself back to sleep fairly quickly. He did wake up again a few hours later and I chose to feed him because I knew it would be the last feeding before he woke up for the day. I don't mind one feeding in the night. I minded four!
I share Jonah's opinion on peas...Blech! He is seriously such a cutie!!! I hope I get to meet him before he's all grown up!
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