Thursday, January 19, 2006


Well Christmas and the New Year have come and gone and I'm just now getting life back to a normal pace. What a whirlwind it all was. Jeremy and I traveled down to B-town to see my ma and fam. It was a squeeze at my mom's house. My sister and her two girls live with my mom and my brother, husband and I were all in town at the same time. We had some interesting sleeping arrangements, but we managed. You can ask Darren if he was still awake when Santa delivered all one million presents that were under our tree (he was sleeping on the couch). After two crazy days of last minute shopping and about 5 people's heads of hair, Christmas finally arrived. We woke up early on our satin sheets (which, by the way, is very hard to sleep on. We were hanging on for dear life all night long) and opened gifts, ate breakfast, and started the three hour drive back to Fayetteville. We went to my husbands grandmother's house, his mom's house and then to his other grandmother's house.

As if that's not enough, we had to unpack and repack, because we were leaving for Colorado at 5 a.m. the next morning. Colorado was great. We skiied for two days and I took care of Jeremy for a day and a half. He got altitude sickness and was completely out of commission by it. I had a great time skiing for my first time and only fell hard once. I face-planted right in the ice and kept flipping. It really kinda hurt. I had to sit there for a couple of minutes to let my brain settle back into the right place. I really was amazed that all that ski atire really does keep you warm, I dunno why I was so surprised...I guess I just thought it was all a gimmick. Believe me it was cold. I stupidly did not dress very warmly for a 7 p.m. sleigh ride (insulated underwear, jeans, sweater, ski jacket, and gloves) and was FFFRRRREEEEEEZZZIIINNGGG. Its not like it really mattered because I had taken some phenigrin (fennegrin? sp??) to kinda ward off the altitude sickness naseau feeling and pretty much slept thru the sleigh ride.

We headed back from Colorado on New Year's Eve. We got in to our house at 10:30 p.m. and I promptly went to bed. Several people called me and text messaged me at midnight, and I didn't have the heart to tell them their loser friend was already asleep.
So with the new year Jeremy and I are on a health/fitness kick. We are riding bikes and lifting weights. He is definitely doing more than me, since I am the one working he 2nd job to support us. (Did that sound bitter?? :) nooooo) I took a before pic of him the other day so he can see his results. I didn't take one of myself since that would be kinda weird and I really don't want my fat on film anywhere.

1 comment:

benhood said...

Sounds like terrific fun in Colorado. A sleigh ride?
Courtney and I went skiing once and found that we are really bad at it. I hope you are doing well, especially with the two jobs (I don't have one yet!)